Additional FL0007 Info, Kevin McKernan / David Speicher Adulterated Lots Analysis
This entire best-in-the-world data by me continues to be treated as if it supposedly doesn't even exist
Providing additional information on Pfizer lot FL0007 1,953 VAERS reports relating to the ongoing SV40 study.
Eagle added to it over there.
Hawk adds even more here …
FL0007 latest known expiration date 2022-08-31. See the world’s best collection of known lot codes and expiration dates (that I spent countless unappreciated hours assembling) at
1,953 FL0007 reports in VAERS : For ages 5-11 according to writeups, 68 are marked as one of the SAE categories by the reporter and/or CDC. 33 deleted (rescued) as can be seen in my flat file, average age in the 33 deleted reports: 7.2 years old. with average age of 10.04 years old overall, 19 throttled, 17 marked by CDC like ‘Vaccination failure‘ (meaning they got covid anyway), 106 ‘Expired product’, 626 like ‘Incorrect dose’, 377 like ‘storage error’. VAERS exists to record harm. Admin errors with no known harm have no business being there at all but serve to keep everybody confused.
26 reports don’t have anything like FL0007 in the proper VAX_LOT field by the reporter (and/or were corrupted by a CDC employee or at least NOT FIXED by them because safe and effective) and instead are shown clearly in the writups. For you analysts who are trusting CDC to be correct, major mistake, VAERS is messier than any child’s room. They do make some changes even after first publishing reports (on further review) and those changes are captured in my flat file but CDC also says they gather more information on serious reports and no you can’t have it.
VAERS_ID lot_context
2181767 (DOSE 2, LOT# for 2nd dose FL0007
2147310 (Dose Number: 1, Batch/Lot No: Fl0007
2506495 (lot # FL0007)
2128107 (Lot number: FI0007) as dose 1
2396971 (Lot number: FL0007
2179367 (Lot number: FL0007)
2453126 (Lot number: FL0007)
2294140 (Lot number: FL0007)
2454361 (Lot number: FL0007)
2176677 (Lot number: FL0007) as dose 2
2318468 (Lot number: Pfizer FL0007)
2018614 Batch/Lot No: FL0007
2607132 Batch/Lot No: FL0007
2208854 Batch/Lot No: FL0007
2321553 Batch/Lot No: FL0007
2356208 Batch/Lot No: FL0007
2609579 Batch/Lot number: FL0007
2519602 Lot No: FL0007
2179358 lot number FL0007
2001194 Lot number FL0007
2494582 Pfizer (Dose 2, lot number-FL0007, Dose as 0.2 ml
2637039 Pfizer (Lot number: FL0007 , Dose 2)
2471315 Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine (Dose 1, lot number FL0007) on 30-Dec-2021
2620269 Pfizer monovalent (lot number SL0007, dose 2)
2188971 prev dose lot number=FL0007
1985475 second dose lot: FL0007 exp: 03/01/22
To my knowledge, no covid vax/stab manufacturer uses the letter ‘O’ in any lot/batch code due to too easily being mistaken for a zero ‘0’.
Some of the odd ones:
On the four SL0007, it isn’t a real lot according to (often just spins when accessed from USA so try VPN) …
… and perhaps more likely than the reading of unclear handwriting on a vax card would be a clinician with a lisp reading it aloud to another filing the report who thinks they heard ‘S’ rather than ‘F’, as similar mistakes are evident all throughout VAERS VAX_LOT entries. Another example, 039K20A heard/entered as 039K28. However, this is tricky stuff. Under the hood, the Pfizer-BioNTech lookup tool rejects in various ways and it appears they no longer verify code expiration dates on monovalent, only bivalent. That might be why FL0007 is also rejected there now (remember the last known expiration date was over a year ago). FL0007 shows up in 1,848 VAERS reports (an indication it is valid) while SL0007 in only 4 (likely invalid).
To illustrate a portion of the need for lot cleaning I’ll copy the vax cards image from my report on lot cleaning. (The OWTF21A is evidently my sense of humor).
2001194 for example officially shows lot FK5618 but the writeup says: Patient received second dose of Pfizer Covid19 vaccine on 12/18/2021. Lot number FL0007 … ICU.
Reports State
272 CA
101 IL
100 NY
94 OR
88 NJ
76 PA
70 TX
67 FL
65 OH
58 MI
49 WA
40 WI
40 MN
39 NC
39 GA
38 MD
35 VA
27 AZ
27 AR
Eight missing ages filled in.
This brief reduces the chance that VAERS reports against FL0007 might otherwise be overlooked and became possible due to my expertise for example in the use of regular expression pattern matching during quiet work in this area for nearly two years now in the hopes that VAERS analysts will utilize the information I’m providing to them.
There’s more I could do if things could change to the point that it seems like anyone appreciates me.
Edit: Just_Henry in a comment suggested I add background/importance of it and take-home message.
Here goes …
Covid truth celebs are missing out on powerful increased accuracy (a more powerful message) because they don’t know the language, regex. So why wouldn’t they make use of someone who knows it. Me. I’ll explain.
The efforts to expose truth by those with the stuff-it-takes to be willing to be on camera out there (all the big names we know) are for the best but it sure looks to me that while they’re just trying to do good … that they’re evidently too busy to really dig very deep. For example I saw Craig Paardecooper on bitchute patiently go through bad lot analysis Dec 2021 and realized as a python programmer I could clean up the typos in batch codes to help for more trustworthy results. Spoke to him once recently but largely those results — which I would say could have been incredibly helpful — have still been largely ignored to this day. Busy guy evidently.
Similar with others.
“I got a lot of problems with you people!” (on Seinfeld).
Mainly that you people aren’t disfunctional enough in real life, you haven’t been geeky/nerdy enough (you’re too well-adjusted in life) to sit around learning regex. Regular Expressions. Pattern matching with wildcards and codes i.e. power.
Over here I used my lot cleaning results in part to find another ~44% more VAERS reports to help out in that SV40 study. That version of lot cleaning is old now and the effort to update it stalled because Pfizer and Moderna are doing a good job of making things really difficult by having increased their number of various lot patterns — a lot.
On this page, a lower percentage of additional lots otherwise flying under the radar were found but who knows which ones might be highly useful? Like in court.
Here, the job was a pretty easy regex, just [FS][iL][0O]+7
That’s F or S, then i or L, then zero or letter O (one or more of them) and then a 7, and it’s grep using -i for insensitive regarding case. Output to CSV.
Then a quick run through the 2000+ results … filtered out some coincidental false matches in some Japanese report tracking strings.
I did all of that using the flat file which I update after each CDC drop because that way, super easy. So, for instance, even if FL0007 were in LAB_DATA or whatever other column, or the symptoms file, it would be caught.
I can hear them now. What’s so hard Gar about regular expressions? Yeah ok sure. Like, for example if you wanted to locate infant reports, this is easy isn’t it …
infant_regex = r'\b(?:natal|neonat|baby|infant\b|unborn\b|lactat(?:ion|ing)|low birth weight)'
… and only after 47 other regular expressions to blank out otherwise false positives. Easy. Sure.
That’s the easy one. Shall we talk about fetuses?
fetus_regex = r'\b(?:pregnan|fo*et[ua]|prenatal|perinatal|neonat|previa|embryo|unborn\b|stillb|abortion|gestat|trimester|miscarr|ca*esare|premature (?:rupture|labo|baby|deliv)|abortion spontan|abortion threat|exposure during preg|hydrops foetal|preeclamps|donor sperm|anophthalmia|microphthalmia|anotia|microtia|cleft (?:lip|palate)|craniosynostos|diaphragmatic hernia|down.{1,4}syndrome|(?:esophageal|pulmonary|tricuspid) atresia|gastroschisis|hypospadias|microcephaly|omphalocele|d.?transposition|hypoplastic|hlhs|tetralogy.{1,8}fallot|truncus arteriosus|anencephaly|encephalocele|bifida|due date|.*?trophoblast)'
Super easy isn’t it. You can just breeze through that in your mind while doing another interview and checking up on your ‘likes’ again.
In a cynical moment I made this but I’m sure I overdid it. Just frustrated is all.
I’d bet more of this life is about learning to work with each other than not. Can be true right? That a big part of the purpose of this life is getting accustomed to the value of working together? And treating each other with dignity?
Oh wait, Just_Henry said “brief”. But for me, that was a brief version. :)
Have a nice day everybody.
I'm a nobody. However I will do my best to speak on behalf of the world. THANK YOU!
Good job. A suggestion...maybe include a brief statement regarding the importance/background of your analyses and then your conclusion...take home message. Just an idea.